I offer pregnancy massage near Braintree Essex at my home based treatment space in Witham Essex. I am easily accessible from Silver End, The Notleys, Crossing and Braintree Town.
This pregnancy massage has been specifically designed to pamper Mums-to-be and is suitable after the first three months of pregnancy.
Having a regular massage whilst pregnant can make a mother more aware of her own body, this can help with the ability to relax during the 1st stage of labour, often resulting in shorter and easier births, less pain and a lower rate of postnatal complications.
Other benefits include:
- Stimulation of Circulation
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Sluggish Bowel Movements Aided
- Releases Muscular Tension
- Releases Compression
- Helps to avoid varicose veins
- Induces Deep Relaxation
- Helps to reduce emotional stress
- Helps to lower blood pressure
- Massage encourages the release of oxytocin (Pain reducing hormone)
- ‘You’ time!
If you would like to find our more about my Pregnancy Massage near Braintree Essex please do get in touch via the details below.
WhatsApp- 07939225872
Instagram- @honey_bee_hideaway
Email- Info@honeybeetherapy.co.uk
Mobile Treatments – www.honeybeetherapy.co.uk